*Eminem Lane*
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Quick Facts


Name: Marshall Bruce Mathers III
Nickname: Slim Shady (his alter ego) "I was takin' a shit. I swear to God. And the fuckin' name just popped into my head. Then I started thinkin' of twenty million things that rhymed with it." -Eminem
Age: 30
Birthdate: Oct 17, 1973
Parents:Deborah Mathers-Briggs and Marshall Mathers II (left Em and his mom when he was 6 months old)He's now a factory worker in San Diego.
Sibling: (Half Brother) Nathaniel Briggs (AKA Nate & Lil' Nate Dogg)
Maritial Status: Single but divorced to, Kimberly Anne Scott (EM & Kim tried to work out their differences but filed for divorce a second time,official date of divorce-March 1, 2001)
Daughter: Hailie Jade Scott (Born December 25, 1995)
Favorite color: light blue
Shoe size: 10 1/2
Height: 5'9"
Favorite Drink: Mountain Dew

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